Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Animals and plants in illinois wetlands

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008

When all has been taken away from you, just as it happened repeated times to the people of Kampuchea, then a human starts to remember the true values of life. True values have nothing to do with economy nor with high tech or industrialization. True values are proportional to a most direct human to human relationship on the basis of mutual love and mutual care for each other.
Care for each other results in care for an entire culture and beyond. Simple life focused on the essential part of true innermost human nature is sweet - infinitely sweeter than technology and money oriented life.
A lotus flower may show best the beauty that can arise out of most difficult conditions of life. Most western countries could learn a lot from cultures based on love and mutual care for each other.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos

Large pink lotus and large white lotus are common in Cambodia. In the following photos I'll show you a full life-cycle from lotus bud to lotus seed of this large and most beautiful lotus flower.
Other lotus flowers have a slightly different anatomy and thus also a different life-cycle.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos

In addition to the previous photos with white dwarf lotus blossoms - here you see a photo of small white dwarf lotus flower group next to full size Cambodian white lotus. This photo shows you a natural environment - very murky, very muddy water with deep muddy soil. The photo also shows you the proportion of the tiny dwarf lotus blossoms and dwarf lotus leaves compared to the "grown up lotus" of the neighboring Cambodian white lotus flower.
While the water looks dirty, it is brown from clean natural mud - an environment free of major chemical pollution or industrial pollution. We luckily have NO industry within long distance from here. What a blessing to be living in true nature!
The lotus pond here is surrounded by rice fields and other ponds with a variety of aquatic life, aquatic flowers and plants, fish, and lots of leeches of different kind.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos
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